Monday, February 25, 2013

Topic Of Choice:Gun Control

In the wake of the Newtown shooting a wave of fear has swept the country in two ways. The fear of guns and gun violence causing the call for gun control, and the fear mostly from the south where guns are practically cherished is the fear of losing them due to a leader who doesn't care what the public wants.

The people calling for gun control have good reason I guess but they are being blinded from what the law would really do to us citizens who obey the laws and legally. All gun control does is give more power to the government because they don't have to worry about the citizens rising up against them if they do something that the people of the country do not like. Gun control will also give more power to the criminals who acquire the guns illegally.!/photo.php?fbid=568352836509818&set=pb.547017825309986.-2207520000.1360944180&type=3&theater

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