Wednesday, November 20, 2013

cc 2.1

In the article “Iran May Be Within30 Days Of Nuclear Weapon” by USA TODAY’S Oren Dorell it is stated that Iran is less than a month away from having enough weapons grade uranium to make a nuclear weapon.

Israel has made a report that Iran is increasing its amount of nuclear centrifuges so they can enrich uranium faster. Israel also stated that if the UN didn’t take action that they would be forced to use military power to slow down Iran’s breakout time, time until capable of nuclear weapons. Even though Israel says that Iran is a month away Obama says that they are still at least a year away from having enough uranium to make a bomb.

Iran is keeping by their story that they have no interest in nuclear weapons. They are stating that they are using the uranium for nuclear fuel, even though they continue to build more enriching stations, centrifuges, and making weapons grade uranium. They have cut off inspection of two facilities suspected of researching and enriching uranium to weapon grade, which breaks the treaty they signed guidelines.

This can be connected to us trying to keep Kim Jong Un from developing intercontinental missiles capable of hitting the U.S.

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